The Day Centre was transformed in April by a colourful display of flowers, shrubs, and house plants.
This year all 16 Classes had entries, though the wet March had been a worry. Our list of winners can be found here, and certificates will be presented at the next meeting.
Thank you to all members who took part, with a special thank you to our judge, Penny Reeves.
The Chairman reported that the falling number of members was a worry and every effort is to be made to encourage people to come and enjoy the various talks and visits planned for the new season.
The Club has been part of the village community for over 40 years and it would be a pity for it to fade away. The Treasurer outlined the Club’s finances and advised that the cost of speakers and their mileage allowance has increased substantially, but to encourage people to come along, the membership and visitor fees would not be increased.
All Committee members agreed to stand again and were re-elected.
The Chairman thanked the Committee and co-opted members for their recent hard work
Now is the ideal time to become a member as the new season starts on Wednesday 3rd May. Our membership fee is £25. Visitors are always welcome; there is a nominal charge of £5.
Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month (except January). Unless an evening visit has been arranged, we meet at the Day Centre 7.30pm for 8.00pm. Refreshments are available before the talk.
We look forward to welcoming you to our meetings.