To celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary, Club Members Paul and Sandra Embleton decided to take a cruise to the islands of Polynesia and Melanesia.
Flying into Tahiti they then transferred to a small cruise liner, which would be their base as they travelled across the Pacific Ocean, island hopping towards Tonga and Fiji. Using a series of slides, members were able to enjoy the tropical flora and fauna, each island offered. The colour, sizes and variety of flowers and tropical ferns/trees growing on these islands was breathtaking.
Experts in Meteorology, Horticulture, Astronomy etc held lectures whilst sailing towards the next port of call, so that the passengers could understand and appreciate what they had experienced and were about to see.
On every island the travellers were welcomed with big smiles. The islanders were eager to show-off their local customs and share their culture – dancing, food and crafts etc. and they encouraged everyone to “have a go” or “try the local delicacies”.