Mountfitchet Garden Club

Category: News

April News 2024

Mountfitchet Garden Club AGM 2022

Mountfitchet Garden Club AGM 2022

News: April 2024 Our last meeting The Mountfitchet Garden Club started over 40 years ago and during this time has seen many changes. It is therefore with sadness that this was our last meeting. It was formally agreed at the AGM that due to the falling number of members and rising costs, the Club would [Continue]

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March News 2024

News: March 2024 The Science of Plants Mr Brian Carline, our March Guest Speaker gave a very entertaining and informative talk on “The Science of Plants”. The talk opened with a reminiscence of the radio programme “Round the Horne” and the character Arthur Fallowfield, whose catchphrase was “ …the answer is in the soil”. Throughout [Continue]

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February News 2024

News: February 2024 Talk by Moore and Moore Nursery This month we were visited by Mrs Lynne Moore who runs the family-run nursery, Moore and Moore, in Billericay.  The nursery specialises in shade-loving plants and has been awarded Chelsea Gold Medals for their displays. Her presentation of  “52 Weeks in the Shade Garden – a [Continue]

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November News 2023

News: November 2023 Christmas Flower Demonstration “Christmas” was the theme of our Flower Demonstration and Talk at our November meeting. Mrs Angelikka Mead produced five very different displays using a mixture of fresh flowers and dried materials.Members were shown how to build up a display and how to weave and plait leaves, cut palm leaves [Continue]

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October News 2023

News: October 2023 Our Travels – Flora from Around the World To celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary, Club Members Paul and Sandra Embleton decided to take a cruise to the islands of Polynesia and Melanesia. Flying into Tahiti they then transferred to a small cruise liner, which would be their base as they travelled across the Pacific [Continue]

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September News 2023

News: September 2023 Our September Meeting After a very hot and humid day, our September meeting was a social evening, kindly held in the beautiful garden of our members Linda & Tony Gurr’s.  Everyone fully appreciated relaxing in the cool of the evening and catching up with each other. Starting slightly earlier than usual, it gave [Continue]

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August News 2023

William Morris Strawberry Thief design

News: August 2023 In the Garden with William Morris Fiona Rose was the guest speaker for our August meeting; she gave a detailed talk about the life of William Morris. As well as a textile designer, he was also a poet, artist, translator, writer and a socialist activist.   He was associated with the British [Continue]

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July News 2023

News: July 2023 Club Visit to Pear Trees Garden Taking advantage of the longer evenings, this meeting was a visit to the lovely garden at Pear Tree Cottage in Elder Street, Wimbish. Although the previous days  witnessed the long-awaited and much needed rain, members and friends were blessed with dry weather. The Bayliss family moved [Continue]

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June News 2023

Wild Orchids

News: June 2023 The Wildflowers and Orchids of the Countryside – Part 1 (Talk) Award winning photographer Roger Hance was the Club’s June speaker. His topic was The Wildflowers and Orchids of the Countryside (Part 1). Using his fantastic photographs, many of  them close-ups, members and  visitors were able to see the  beauty and intricacy [Continue]

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May News 2023

Darren Lerigo Topiary expert cutting bush

News: May 2023 Topiary Our speaker, Darren Lerigo, works all over the UK and in New York, creating and maintaining topiary. He explained that topiary (the creative pruning of shrubs) is a beautiful art form which can transform a garden. Learning his skills over several years he explained that good tools, kept sharp, are essential. [Continue]

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